
RIS - REIKI International School in London - UK

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RIS - Reiki International School in LONDON - UK

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REIKI takes the way of the HEART

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REIKI takes the way of the HEART
  • Reiki is Universal Energy, the origin of life, of the Universe, creation, all creation benefits of universal energy to grow and live
  • Reiki is the 'Cosmic primary energy source of life and was born with the Big Bang, is the energy that generated the Universe
  • Reiki is the Divine Blueprint hold that is in all the living things, and in each one of us, because is an integral part, too!
  • Reiki is energy and light and is both outside and inside every living being, it is in everyone and in everything and everyone and everything is part of the 'Universal Energy
  • Reiki is pure, is spontaneous, is simple, is natural, is ..... and nothing else
  • Reiki has no need of rules dictated by the mind. Reiki is a "need" of the human
  • Reiki is Love and follows "only" the way of the heart
Monica Giovine - Reiki Teacher since 1994


REIKI individual Courses in London by appoinment (Reiki Coaching)

REIKI individual courses in London - by appointment

Typically when you attend courses or seminars, receiving the certificate is the confirmation that you learned all the basics , in fact often there should be an examination that demonstrates your knowledge of the subject.

Because during a course of Reiki, that has a duration of only a few hours , you get the certificate.

- The Diploma of REIKI is the proof that you received the activation of the 1st or 2nd or 3rd level or of Reiki Master.

The REIKI certificate, attests that you have had the opening of the channels and you have been harmonized to channel the universal energy and give thanks to the Reiki teachings. 

The activation of REIKI is an individual process and, being individually means that is not necessary other people vouches for it , in order to be effective.

During the activation of Reiki, the energy is always activated by only one person at time.

During individual Reiki, all we do is what it takes to LEARN HOW TO USE REIKI, so you will learn self-treatment and treatment on others. It 'easy and the course is carried out to learn to use Reiki. In addition to treatments on other people, you first have to complete the 4 Reiki energy activations , or energy channel openings, and we will do it during the course of Reiki.

The 4th activation is done for last because it takes at least 1 hour between the first activation and the others and then you have to try out at least 4 self-treatments on yourself to let the Reiki energy flow before you can practise effective Reiki treatments on other people.

The faculty of the possibility of Reiki treatments is given by the fact that we have received the 4 activation energy of Reiki in the first level. 

It does not make any difference taking a Reiki course individually or being in 20 or 50 people: it does not change anything to the effectiveness of activations, it only changes the experience but does not change the strenght of the course.

Indeed, in my opinion, Reiki course with too many people (more than 20 people for example) is not good, too much interferencing energies and too many expectations!

On the contrary, having a teacher all for you is a big deal, that is why in general the individual course costs twice or even three times more than the session group, or many teachers do not even try to bring too many people together to the Reiki course. I can personally offer this possibility at the same price of the collective course, WITHOUT CHANGES on the cost.

Since the REIKI activations for level 1 are 4 per person, with one teacher working on all the 4 activations , in case of 20 people, for example, the Reiki Master would need 80 energy Reiki activation and it would take so many further hours more (comparing to the usual time).

The only advantage would be to know other people, but this can be done in any other field, not only in a course of Reiki.

In an individual course we have less (or no) energy interference than in a group course.

The other great advantage of the individual REIKI course is the easy organization. It takes place by appointment so it can be done on any day you are most comfortable of the 7 days of the week,without waiting for a scheduled date. Often people want to attend a course but that day or that weekend have another commitment, and so are forced to wait.

Often the mode of attending a REIKI individual session during a weekly day of appointment is preferred by nurses who have shifts in hospitals or by mothers with family, or other people who want to learn Reiki with a private teacher.

Individual Course of REIKI 1st level by appointment in London - Schedule:
  • • We meet at 11.00 and start the individual course of Reiki, we talk about the history of Mikao Usui Reiki and how it developed, how it works and what Reiki is, about energy, what is and what is NOT REIKI
  • • Then we do the first activation REIKI before lunch.
  • • Then we have a break at around 13.00 or so, for as long as we agree together.
  • • After lunch we meet and do the 2nd activation Reiki, then continue talking about energy and chakras, we see REIKI self-treatment and try to do it.
  • • Then do the 3rd activation REIKI, after we see the complete Reiki treatment on other people, the faster processor, the first aid treatment, the treatment of localized REIKI, dealing REIKI with children, with the aged, animals (dogs and cats),the plants, water, food. We see the principles of Reiki who Mikao Usui left us.
  • • Finally, we do the 4th activation REIKI and six complete in terms of energy to be able to perform Reiki treatments.
  • • At the end, you will be given a Diploma of Reiki 1° Level issued by the school "R.I.S. - Reiki International School", which shows that you have received the 4 Reiki attunements and then you can do Reiki treatments on other people. 

Individual Course of REIKI 2nd level by appointment in London - Schedule:
  • • We meet at 11.00 then we start to review the REIKI positions, pausing on REIKI holistic healing for each position and how we are going to harmonize the BODY / MIND / SPIRIT.
  • • After we see the 3 Reiki symbols of the 2nd level, we learn how to draw them, we know the matra (names), their history, their meaning and their use.
  • • Then we proceed to the REIKI activation before lunch, where the 3 symbols are printed onto your hands and your chakras.
  • • Then we have a lunch break at around 13.00 or for as long as we agree together.
  • • After lunch we meet and see how to use all the 3 Reiki symbols of the 2nd level, how to increase energy, how to purify the house, how to make mental treatment, how to realize the treatments on distance for a person, several people (groups ), for families, events, situations, places.
  • • At the end of the course you will be given the 2° Level REIKI Diploma, issued by the school "R.I.S. - Reiki International school" which shows that you have received the activation on level 2 and teachings of Reiki 2nd level. 

Benefits of Individual Course Reiki ( Reiki Coaching )
  • TEACHING : Do you have a private teacher of Reiki at your disposal for a day that just follows you.
  • DEVELOPMENT OF A PERSONAL SITUATION : Should it be necessary , in addition to the classic program we develop a custom theme through the use of Reiki for yourself then you will practice your problem or your situation
  • QUIET & SERENITY: The individual course of Reiki is quieter and takes place in a peaceful atmosphere, friendly and confidential atmosphere.
  • TIME: The duration of the individual course is much less because we do not have all this time dilation as is the case for group courses, made ​​of long waits , meditations, pauses, waiting to turn others or to follow others , and with a lot less time doing the whole program of the Reiki course and very well ( even better)
  • FREEDOM FOR A DATE: The advantage to decide together on the day you more comfortable rather than follow a fixed date
  • PROFITABLE COST : The cost of the individual course of Reiki (all levels ) is identical to the collective course despite having a higher value for obvious reasons !


Reiki Usui - 1st Level of REIKI

The first level of Reiki Usui is considered the physical level, it is also the “Self” level. During the seminar of Usui Reiki in most common method, the student receives 4 reiju activation energy by the Reiki master or better the Reiki teacher, which allow him to become a Reiki channel. You learn all the techniques to practise the REIKI self-treatment and how to complete a treatment on other people. You also learn how to deal depending on individual needs, to carry out treatments for children or the aged, to treat the animals, the plants, the flowers , that are living beings too.

The self-treatment REIKI is of great importance for our spiritual growth through Reiki.

In fact, after the seminar, we recommend you to spend at least 20 minutes a day or half an hour, to treat yourself. This is such a precious with yourself.

During the course, we explain the history of Reiki, the operator's hands position on the body and recipient, explains the chakras and how they work. We have a group meditations, the exchange experiences, the circles of light.

At the end of 1 st Level of Reiki course, you are able to treat yourself first of all, and then on the other, family members, relatives, friends and acquaintances

We deliver manuals and certificate issued by the 1st level Reiki Traditional Reiki Usui School

Reiki Usui - 2nd Level of REIKI

The second level concerns the mental level and practice on others. 

During the course of Reiki Usui, participants receive one-time activation with the 3 Reiki Usui symbols.

The symbols are the REIKI Level 2 :
  1. Cho Ku Rei
  2. Sei He Ki
  3. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

By the second level you can increase your Reiki energy to where it is necessary: cleanse the house, premises, water, food, objects, treat the unconscious of people, especially in cases where there is a desire in one part of the person to change but it is difficult to implement, due to habits or scripts. For example, to stop smoking, to start a diet, to overcome shyness, to have a higher self-esteem, to make any personal decision, emotional or work, or when you do not have the courage to take decisions or sometimes or having a change

In addition, by the second level Reiki Usui it is possible to send healing energy and love of Reiki to people who are not close to us but who need help at any given time. For example, a person who is not well, a guy who has to deal with an exam at the university, someone who has to go on a journey or a job interview or a medical examination. There are so many cases in order to help a person giving strength, love, courage, self-esteem. During the course you can have important experiences, meditations, trade.

We deliver manuals and certificate issued by the 2nd level Reiki Traditional Reiki School

Reiki Usui - 3rd Level of REIKI

The 3rd level Reiki Usui is a Reiki Master preparation.

The 3rd level includes the latest activation but precludes the instructions to activate other people in the course of Reiki Master.
This path is relative to Reiki Usui known and widespread in the West, even the most practiced. And it is possible to attend a third level which excludes the possibility of teaching. It is definitely not an intermediate level and, to who wishes to become a Reiki master, you just have to attended the second level Reiki, obviously after some Reiki practicing , although it is recommended to prepare through the third level. Normally, the cost of the third level is then separated at the time of the Reiki Master therefore does not include any additional charge. The course is open to those who are not interested in concluding an important path started earlier, and who do not wish to activate or hold courses in Reiki, but after their own personal journey wish to end the cycle of Reiki attunements or Reiju also receiving the most important symbol left by Mikao Usui, the Dai-Komyo.

The Reiki Master in fact has no personal merit, but is only an energy channeler of the Universal Energy that flows between the universe REIKI and his/her body, like a river. In fact, a first level can be compared to a stream, a second level of a river, a third level to a great river, such as the Ganges in India or the Nile in Egypt. An example very Taoist to see the energy flowing by a Reiki practitioner. The course has been included for some years by many Reiki master to give the possibility to receive the third and final harmonization of Usui even to those who intend to teach Reiki later. Obviously this course is shorter, since it excludes the teaching and the methods of activation. I reiterate that this is the path of Reiki Usui most widespread and still absolutely effective.

We deliver the manual and certificate of 3rd level Reiki Reiki issued by the Reiki School in London. 

Reiki Internation School - Location and contact

United Kingdom


6 Palace Gate - W8 5NF - Kensington - London UK
Tube st. 1) Hight Street Kensington - 2) Gloucester Road
Executive Director: Monica Giovine - Reiki Teacher since '94

Mobile Phone UK: +44 (0) 7445 635 734



Viale Caterina da Forlì 52 - 20146 - Milano - Italy
Tube st. 1) Bande Nere - 2) Gambara
Executive Director: Monica Giovine - Reiki Teacher since '94
Mobile Phone IT: 0039.333.1854038

Next opening locations in the World - R.I.S. - REIKI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL

U.S.A.: New York - Miami - San Francisco

UK : Brixton - Brighton - Manchester


ITALY: Rome - Bologne

SWISSE: Berna - Locarno - Lugano


We'll show to you all addresses and contacts about RIS Reiki International School, all locations

Reiki for Children

Reiki for Children

There are no contraindications in dealing with children in transmitting them Reiki (especially if they are very small). It is only necessary to listen to your heart and your instincts and trying to catch all the signals that children send to us.

Children have an energy still very pure and strong and accordingly treatments can be shorter, if the children are very young are sufficient even a few minutes.

Never force a child to undergo a Reiki treatment when you do not want and do not extend beyond the necessary treatment when he gives evidence of having received sufficient Reiki energy: Children are much more sensitive than adults and perceive with clarity when the treatment is enough.

  • For infants and children up to 3 years 5 minutes of treatment are more than enough. 
  • From 3 to 5 years may be enough 10 minutes. 
  • From 5 to 10 years could fit 10 to 20 minutes. 
  • After 10 years you can further prolong the Reiki treatment. After 14-16 years old boys you can do one minute and a half to position (half the time compared to adult) or 2 minutes per view. 
  • Towards the 16-18 years you run the Reiki complete with classical times.
As regards the possibility to introduce children to the Reiki there are drawbacks: you could become Reiki channel at any age.
In any case, a Reiki teacher should, in good conscience, be a person who begins making choices in personal autonomy, who has knowledge enough to accommodate the path of Reiki.

To start Reiki on minors, of course the parents have to agree. So it is advisable, as a reference, waiting until the child is at least 12-14 years old, as he could show a sincere conviction, in getting the first REIKI level. 

REIKI for water

It is possible to treat the water with REIKI or "energize" the water by the application of REIKI.

First, it is essential a glass container , glass and not plastic, as the plastic is an energy insulator and therefore is not indicated in our case. So you can lay your hands with the fingers together on top of the glass of water before drinking or holding a glass bottle. To do this, it is sufficient about 5 minutes. Drinking "water Reiki" helps us in the process of purification and detoxification. We know the benefits of water and toxins purification for the body. We can also do Reiki to the water we use to cook with the same system or even using a glass jug.

The water enriched by Reiki energy is as well useful for human consumption or may also be administered to animals or plants. 

Watering plants with "Reiki Water" let them growing strong and healthy and with vivid colors. And look as if they received water and sun! We can also practise Reiki to water used for bathing or for foot baths or packs etc ... always in the same mode. In this case, it has not to be consumed orally (as for the water used in the kitchen) , and you can also wash or steep your hands in the water. 

Of course, to practice Reiki to water is indispensable to have received at least the first Reiki level.

REIKI for pets, dogs and cats

Reiki for pets, dogs and cats

Even pets can benefit of Reiki treatments and generally they like Reiki very much. 

Being directly connected with the energies of the universe and the nature of Reiki, you can wonderfully welcome with excellent results. The procedures are the same than with people. It is possibly change the size, in fact, dogs and cats are smaller, so the positions will be reduced as a number. The ideal would be to use them for a treatment REIKI instinctively driven rather than expect to rules and classical positions slowly covering the head, organs back, belly (if you can) process them towards the end of treatment when our dog or cat has calmed down. For young dogs or cats it is recommended to reduce the time, as you do for the children and a minute to location is okay. An other mode might be to keep a hand on his head and your other hand on his chest, moving the latter from the back, to the liver and spleen, for a total of a quarter of an hour. And keeping your other hand (no matter right or left) on the forehead. This treatment modality Reiki relaxes loved our dog or our cat livelier than usually well accommodates the energy of Reiki.

Obviously Reiki can also be used on other animals, as small as hamsters or canaries, if possible keeping them in our hands, otherwise sending Reiki at close range, for 5 minutes. Same thing for big animals. The horses are very fond of receiving Reiki. Due to the large size of the positions, you can reduce the essentials treatment , placing your hands for 5 minutes for each position. We do not need to worry: the Reiki , being "universal life energy" is increasingly directely from the one where there is more need. REIKI can also be very beneficial for the fishes by sending REIKI to the aquarium water for 5 -10 minutes simply by laying you hands on the glass of the aquarium.

To practice Reiki treatments for pets is essential to have received the first level of Reiki.