
REIKI takes the way of the HEART

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REIKI takes the way of the HEART
  • Reiki is Universal Energy, the origin of life, of the Universe, creation, all creation benefits of universal energy to grow and live
  • Reiki is the 'Cosmic primary energy source of life and was born with the Big Bang, is the energy that generated the Universe
  • Reiki is the Divine Blueprint hold that is in all the living things, and in each one of us, because is an integral part, too!
  • Reiki is energy and light and is both outside and inside every living being, it is in everyone and in everything and everyone and everything is part of the 'Universal Energy
  • Reiki is pure, is spontaneous, is simple, is natural, is ..... and nothing else
  • Reiki has no need of rules dictated by the mind. Reiki is a "need" of the human
  • Reiki is Love and follows "only" the way of the heart
Monica Giovine - Reiki Teacher since 1994

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