
REIKI for water

It is possible to treat the water with REIKI or "energize" the water by the application of REIKI.

First, it is essential a glass container , glass and not plastic, as the plastic is an energy insulator and therefore is not indicated in our case. So you can lay your hands with the fingers together on top of the glass of water before drinking or holding a glass bottle. To do this, it is sufficient about 5 minutes. Drinking "water Reiki" helps us in the process of purification and detoxification. We know the benefits of water and toxins purification for the body. We can also do Reiki to the water we use to cook with the same system or even using a glass jug.

The water enriched by Reiki energy is as well useful for human consumption or may also be administered to animals or plants. 

Watering plants with "Reiki Water" let them growing strong and healthy and with vivid colors. And look as if they received water and sun! We can also practise Reiki to water used for bathing or for foot baths or packs etc ... always in the same mode. In this case, it has not to be consumed orally (as for the water used in the kitchen) , and you can also wash or steep your hands in the water. 

Of course, to practice Reiki to water is indispensable to have received at least the first Reiki level.

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